Wednesday, 9 June 2010
You can't always get what you want..
As if we are not already a spectacle enough in the supermarket what with the English talking already causing a few people to glance in our direction, we now have the loud declaration of NEEDS. Oh, and the SINGING.
Something about sitting in the supermarket trolley inspires Samuel to break into song. Most recently, he gave a very beautiful rendition of Truly Scrumptious (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) to the rather baffled man standing in the queue behind us. He doesn't quite know all the words and gets a bit stuck on the line "Never, never, never , go away" - stuck as in broken record stuck, on the never, never bit.... for a long time.
And he likes to point out what language people are speaking. He is fascinated that there are Men! In the shops! Talking Danish mummy! Talking DANISH! Over There! I've tried to explain that the majority of people in Denmark are speaking Danish, but he doesn't get it and is still delighted to hear and loudly identify other people speaking this language when we are out and about.
I've resigned myself to entertaining the local shopping population, while Anna gets in some practice at teenager behaviour and pretends she doesn't know us.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Believe the advertising
After much huffing and puffing and absolutely no help from the indifferent staff, I ended up buying some 3/4 length running tights from scandinavian Casall ( - it won't let me link directly to the fancy picture). These leggings promise that the strategically placed seams will improve my performance.
Oh, how I laughed... until I found myself on my next run - kitted out in new gear from head to toe ( I admit that I went a little OTT and even bought myself special socks with L and R printed on them - all very high-tech stuff).
I'm not sure if it was the seams or the socks or due to the fact that I have been doing this running for a good 6 months now - but I ran the furthest I have ever run (maybe ever even counting cross-country running at school - not sure how far they made us run around soggy middle England in uncomfortable gym-knickers)... but certainly ever in my adult-exercising life. I ran 8 km. In 45 minutes. And I know this is small potatoes for the folks that happily do 10 km in the rain after a 10 km cycle ride first (Emma!!) but it was a bit of an achievement for me.
I might have to treat myself to some new trainers next. If mere seams can result in 8 km, imagine what new shoes will do.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Cup of ambition
From which point you don't have to look very hard to find the reason(s) behind the subsequent patchy CV and awkward working hours. My career (and I really hesitate to call it that) hasn't exactly turned out how I expected. I think I fit into the "no regrets, but sometimes wonder if the right choices were made" category.
Right now I need to make my business work and it has been a bit too quiet recently. I initially sort of enjoyed the lull, but now I can feel the financial downside. Looking at the options, running my company does still seem to be the best way I can be home when I want to be for my children and still earn some reasonable money doing something I am good at and mostly enjoy.
So I need to drum up some new business and to "network" (shudder). The party invite came at just the right time.
The evening was kind of fun. But, stealing from Don Draper, I did feel that I was "at work disguised as a party". It was as much a business event as a social thing and I had to force myself to venture out of my comfort zone, which was sitting talking to the people I know quite well.
I wore my new dress and very high heels. My bag had lipstick and business cards in it. I drank two glasses of champagne early in the evening but did the rest of the evening sober. I'm really, really not a natural at these things, but I came home thinking it went fairly well - at least I don't think I made any terrible social gaffs and I managed to let people know my company was still very much alive. I tried to drop a few impressive names into the conversation, and implied to half a dozen potential new customer contacts that while I was always on the lookout for new business, and definitely had time for them, business was still ticking along nicely.
And when I went home, my bag was a few business cards lighter at least.
Well, perhaps I did something right. Today, I got a call from the Important Managing Director husband of someone I gave my card to. There was talk of interesting projects and possible money exchanging hands. All very positive and exciting. Hopefully.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
The best bit was the bonus night in London
On my journey back from England last week, I had to take an unexpected detour via London and Brussels due to the volcanic ash that closed Manchester airport. I had visions of being stuck for days as Britain got shut off from Europe again. It was all very expensive and anxiety producing. But several long phone calls, train journeys, a bonus night in London, and a quick visit to Belgium later and I was eventually home - 24 hours later than planned.
Apart from the quick re-visit with Nicki to borrow her sofa for the night, it was mainly just tiring and inconvenient. After a few very lovely days away from my children, I did just want to get home to them...although I knew they were perfectly fine without me. (Aksel, on the other hand, was very ready for me to be back, so I was perhaps missed a little bit.)
Some things:
- I read an entire book in 24 hours. I haven't been able to do this for years.
- I don't even come close to understanding Belgian French or Dutch and I felt very, very foreign in Brussels.
- I sometimes get mistaken for being Irish, I suppose because of my red hair. This happened while waiting to get a seat on Eurostar. I was assured there would be a seat, but I was not allocated one until everyone else (presumably those that booked way ahead of ash-induced-travel-necessity) was seated. There were three of us in this situation for carriage eight, myself and two men. One of the men, who happened to be from Dublin, started to make polite volcanic-travel-detour conversation with me. All fine, if not a bit of a struggle at 7am in the morning while wearing the same clothes as the day before. I was stressing a little over the news that Rotterdam and Amsterdam airports were now also closed and had this horrible sense of urgency to just get going. And I was looking forward to some coffee and sleep on the train.
Then the train manager guy calls us over and allocates us seats - the carriage is not full and it is not a problem he says. And, seeing as we are both Irish, he can even sit us together! Oh god. I try to say something like no no that is alright, really you don't have to. But then there we are, sitting next to one another. And I see that the Irish guy is quite pleased. And now I will have to chat politely to him for the next 2 hours. I really, really don't want to, but I can't see how I can change the situation without being really rude. (I didn't think that I could whisper quietly or discreetly enough to the train manager: Look, I'm not Irish, I don't know that guy, I don't want to talk to him, please let me sit elsewhere....) And, honestly, even if I was Irish, it doesn't mean I want to chat to random strangers that just happen to come from the same country, does it?!
Luckily, as the train pulls away from St Pancras, I remember that I have a book and an iPod and I get up to get them from my case. Then I spot several empty seats a few rows down. I make a swift decision; mumble something to the Irish guy about preferring to sit facing the direction of travel and move seats before he can say anything. I hope he understood. I was very pleased with myself.
- I have never been so happy to see Copenhagen as when I eventually arrived at Kastrup. It was all so familiar. I understood the language and I knew where I was and where I was going.
So, perhaps I need to experience the true foreign-ness of a country that is neither England nor Denmark to really appreciate how at home I am in both countries.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
And I don't mean this in some shallow Facebook way, where some random woman "friend requests" me via Facebook and claims we used to go to school together 25 years ago. We didn't talk to each other or know anything about each other then, so why would we suddenly do that now? All that we have in common is that we shared the same biology teacher in 1984. This is hardly enough to even warrant a quick mention, let alone a lasting re-connection. (Although I have to admit, I am curious to see what you look like and it seems rude to Ignore the request, so I have accepted it....and it seems this is all you wanted to do too, because that is as far as the contact has gone.) (I am obviously too old to really get FB, but that is a different post entirely).
I feel very lucky that I have some very good real-life friends from school and that we have managed to stay in touch with each other (without the miracle of Facebook or even e-mail). These friendships have survived many years, despite differences in geography and life's other complications. We have shared weddings and baby announcements but we never used to see each other very much. Everyone was busy. We lived at opposite ends of the country (or in different countries). We had small children.
Then someone my sister went to school with died. Too young and very suddenly. And she went to the funeral and met up with friends she hadn't seen for years. And I thought "what a sad reason to get together with friends". I didn't want to wait until someone's funeral. And if you would make the effort for a funeral, you’d do it for a happier occasion, surely?
So last year I invited my friends to Copenhagen for no other reason than just to meet up. And obviously we had a good time and this weekend the five of us got together again - for the third time in a year.
They knew me when I was young(er). And they make me feel young. They remind me of who I was before I was a wife and a mother. They make brilliant cocktails and aren't afraid to dance to all the 80s songs. They take me on treasure hunts round the English countryside, will lend me money and, in an emergency, their sofa for the night. And they are brave enough to ride the Big Rollercoaster with me.
I'm already looking forward to GOT4.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Things I would be writing about...
If I wasn't so busy, I would write about:
- How stressed I get when I can't quite see how I am going to tackle a job. And I feel very anxious and overwhelmed by the deadline. Once I've made a start on it, it feels more manageable and I realise that I can do it. I sometimes even realise that I am actually quite good at my job. However, despite reminding myself of this fact, the initial doubt and crisis of confidence is always there.
- Power shopping but not in a good way. In a I-have-to-collect-children -from-school -in-15-minutes-and-I-have-to-buy-new-shoes-or-else-people-will-think-I-am-homeless kind of a panic way.
- The irony of loving to have new stuff but absolutely hating to shop for myself.
- Our trip to the zoo, where Sam's most favourite animal experience was not the exotic tiger or polar bear or crocodile, it was not even the monkeys or the penguins. No, it was the cow.
- GOT3 - volcanic ash be damned, I am flying to Manchester on Friday for the third meet-up with my girlfriends. I am also cramming in a lunch with my mum and dad who are taking a stupidly long and expensive train journey to spend a few hours with their youngest daughter. I Can't Wait.
So that's what I have been doing. And if anyone can tell me why my To Do list always has exactly the same things on it that just won't go away (right now, winter tyres, haircuts, weeding, Dr. appointments, WORK, laundry, cooking, cleaning the floor) despite the fact that I dutifully do these things regularly and yet husband's To Do list is full of things that can be satisfactorily ticked off once and forever (fix garden fence, fix lawn mower and gate, mend Anna's bike) I would be grateful.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Make believe
He drove up to me, took some bark from his trailer and handed it to me:
Sam: Here you are mummy!
Me: Oh, thank you! What is this?
Sam: It's cake Mummy! Eat it!
Me: Oh, lovely, yummmm (proceed to fake-eat the bark)
Sam: You like it?
Me: Oh yes, lovely cake, thank you. Do you have some more? What other cakes do you have in your trailer? (pointing towards the things he has collected)?
Sam: This? (he holds up a stone)
Me: Oooh, yes please.
Sam: (incredulous) Mummy, this is a stone!
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Play well
Aksel and I both used to work for LEGO. Not the park, or the factory, but LEGO Media, which was set up in 1996 to develop new products. It was a fun, strange time in our lives. Me: newly married, learning Danish, just moved to this strange country. Aksel: newly married, back in Denmark after 7 years, and living, as far as he was concerned, in a strange part of the country -Jutland. As someone who grew up in Copenhagen, living near the little town of Billund, in the middle of nowhere, was a big change.
Add to this the fact that both of us had just a few weeks earlier been living in Los Angeles, California, which couldn't have been more different in every way, and the culture shock was complete.
Anyway - two years ago was the 10-year reunion party for our LEGO department. We were both keen to go and meet up with old friends and colleagues, who were travelling from all over the world to be there. Only now we had two children. Perfect, we thought. We couldn't very well go to LEGOLAND without the children, could we?
Samuel was only 6 months old. It would be fine, I thought, with a slight feeling of dread.
Two nights, all four of us in one room?
It was a nightmare. Sam woke up every hour and therefore so did Anna and they both required me to hop around the room at regular intervals throughout the night, both nights. Until they decided they were up for the day at 5 am. This did not leave me inclined to make adult, witty, intelligent, sophisticated, see-what-I-have-been-doing-in-the-last-10-years-type conversations with my old friends and my old boss (who I so wanted to impress) and to actually enjoy a party, which was (is) a rare event.
We all survived, some of us (me) much more cranky about the whole experience than others. As we left, I swore that was the last time we would all try sleeping in one room (or something to that effect).
Which is why it was quite surprising that we recently drove into the same car park and checked into the same family hostel, with the plan of two days in LEGOLAND.
The excitement of the children really helped – they had been singing about going to LEGOLAND for weeks and were so happy when we finally saw the signs and the familiar-looking but completely oversized bricks that indicated we were nearly there. And this time the sleeping experiment went much better. Some black plastic bags taped to the window to shut out the light helped (despite the fact that from the outside it looked like a serial killer was holed up there). Exhausting the now two-year-old in DUPLO-land also helped. Plus the fact that he no longer normally wakes through the night, so once he was asleep in the travel cot in the corner of the room, he was pretty much out for the night. We all went to bed at the same time, but this was much later than normal for the children, so that also helped. And we all woke up at the very reasonable hour of 8.30 am!
Amazing what a difference a year or two can make. Of course, we had the usual terrible Billund weather: lots of rain and wind and it was very cold. But the advantage of this was that there were hardly any queues. LEGOLAND was perfect for Anna and Samuel this year - Sam is just old enough and Anna is not yet too old for it all.
I am very fond of LEGO (what's not to like?) in spite of the fact that I seem to spend many of my waking hours these days trying to cajole children to tidy it up or prevent myself from nasty foot injuries as I gracelessly avoid stepping on it.
I think there is something very special about the original LEGOLAND too, placed in a location no-one would normally select for an amusement park (or, some might say, anything else). It's no longer owned or run by LEGO, which I think is a bit sad. But it still retains much of the old charm that I remember from my own childhood. Funnily enough, unlike my Danish husband, my parents took me to LEGOLAND in 1977, when I was 6, on the way to Esbjerg to take the boat home to Harwich.
Aksel had to wait until he worked there to see it.
But now you can visit LEGOLAND in England, Germany, and USA. Although, I don’t think they have quite have the same atmosphere as the first park that opened in 1968, right next to the factory that created the 58 billion bricks that are used in it.
Monday, 29 March 2010
The one about being your own boss
The advantages are obvious: a pay rise whenever the bank balance allows it and a new fancy made up job title whenever you feel like it. I've been running my own company with my business partner for more than 6 years now, and I like the way that my work fits in with my life, rather than the other way around. I don't rely on too much outside childcare for Samuel and it is great to be able to go into school in the middle of the day to see Anna as a singing penguin (for example).
The disadvantages are also probably obvious: an uncertain income, no-one to pay for your sick days except yourself, and no-one else to blame for incomplete/rubbish work.
The worst part for me is the conflict going on in my head: the conscientious boss versus the lazy worker, constantly slogging it out. The bossy-boss part of me thinks I should sit down and get started on writing for that new project immediately and I should invoice a customer for that completed job, and I should make some calls to existing and potential customers.
The lazy employee thinks she should make a(nother) cup of coffee, check Facebook, read a few blogs, re-check her e-mail, research flights to Manchester, and maybe just Google that guy that someone mentioned from that film that she can't quite remember. All important stuff, I'm sure you'll agree.
Quite frankly, it's an exhausting war of inner dialogue.
And I haven't even mentioned the will power you need to work at home when you are surrounded by the dirty breakfast dishes, the non-unloaded dishwasher, the unwashed laundry, and the non-picked-up toys. Funnily enough, I do find it fairly easy to ignore these tasks (see Cleaning up) but usually this is in favour of the lazy employee rather than the bossy-boss.
This is what I have found helps to keep both the lazy worker and the boss in check:
- a deadline - even if the customer hasn't imposed one (unlikely) giving myself a deadline for doing something really helps.
- a to do list - sometimes my list includes seeing a singing penguin performance but it helps to give structure to an otherwise no-one-is-watching-what-I-am-doing day. Plus, nothing beats being able to tick things off the list as you do them.
- a break - a proper, walk-away-from-the-screen kind of a break...for me it usually includes eating something, fetching Sammy from nursery, and listening to the radio.
- to not check my e-mails all day/evening long - especially when I am not "officially" in the office, otherwise I can easily get sucked back in to work mode and never feel that I have free time.
- a dedicated space for working. Luckily, now I have a proper home office with a door, just for me. Yes, it gets full of the children's projects too and right now it has the following stuff in it that (believe me) have nothing to do with my job: a doll's pushchair, about 64 LEGO bricks, 3 big magnets, a cowboy hat, various bits of material and sewing, a half-finished knitted monkey, 1 juggling ball, and a multi-coloured wig. Despite this, it is really luxurious for me to be able to leave my laptop and papers on the desk and come back to the work later. I have had many years of my "office" being perched on the edge of the dining table and this is not ideal - especially when you have a toddler who wants nothing more than to get his sticky hands all over your latest 84 page piece.
- Skype and meeting people. If you work at home on your own, it can get rather isolating. Sure, it's great that you can work in your pyjamas and you don't need to wash your hair - but this can get quite horrible after a while (literally) and I find that I miss the whole having to look respectable for company aspect of working in a real office. So, it is quite good to have to meet your customers occasionally and, failing that, it's very good to have a regular Skype meeting with your business partner or some other network - to make sure you can still interact with adults during your working day.
Finally, you have to remember to give yourself a regular performance appraisal. I usually find something along the lines of “juggling working from home, plus children, plus house-wifey stuff, plus all the other things one wants to do is tough and you’re doing a brilliant job, keep up the good work!” is all that is needed. Then I step over the piles of toys, avoid eye-contact with the laundry basket, make myself some coffee and have a quick sneaky peek at Facebook before checking my to-do list.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Blogging for Insomnia
I know, I know, you're going to tell me about the "notepad and pencil" by the side of the bed trick, aren't you? But to be honest, I just can't be bothered. I do just actually want to sleep. To switch off my brain. And it bothers me that it is potential unwritten blog posts that swim around in my head at this annoying hour. It is not as though there aren't 117 million other more important things that I have neglected to do and could be thinking about.
So, in an effort to add a touch of spring cleaning to what is unfortunately becoming a bit of a boring bedtime routine, I thought I would actually try to write some of these posts down, during daylight hours - oh, the cleverness of me, as Peter Pan would say. And then I can go back to thinking about winter tyres, and hair appointments, and how the children need new shoes.
So, new (possibly sleep inducing) posts coming soon.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Sountrack in my head
My other source of running advice, Tina, told me that she runs with a friend and they chat the whole time. Apart from being completely in awe of being able to talk while running - a skill that despite my ability to multi-task in almost all other areas of my life is definitely beyond my fitness level - I don't think this is for me because I quite like the way that running alone allows you to completely escape from everyone else.
Except, of course, yourself.
My brain has definitely started to wander off as I run. And the 50 songs I have on shuffle on my playlist in my ears helps to trick my body into running a little faster and to not think so much about how much further there is to go. It offers a soundtrack to 30 minutes of my life.
Things I think about while running:
-Imaginary conversations I would have with Tina if I was running with her (and by some miracle I could actually talk and run). We chat about old boyfriends and that time that we almost but not quite met up with Nicki on a beach in Italy. And then we move on to my lovely Godson and his fondness for books and what wonderful letters he writes to me. I ask her advice about my lollipop lady running outfit and she assures me I look great.
- When Let's Hear it For the Boy comes on I'm 15 years old again and Rachel and I have free tickets to the cinema to see Footloose (thanks to my mum who won them in a radio competition).
-And when Des attractions désastre by Ettienne Daho plays I am in a café in Paris imagining what this French guy is saying to me. I have no idea what the lyrics of this song are about but in my head he is talking directly to me and telling me how wonderfully I am running.
-The Obvious Child by Paul Simon makes me think of Samuel dancing around the kitchen playing his drums... Of course, my version is "we had a little son and we thought we'd call him Sammy…."
- Ramblin'man by Lemon Jelly and I am trying to count how many places he mentions in the song that I have been to. I love the way he says "Kentish Town" and makes it sound like somewhere exotic.
By now I’m hopefully more than half way. Sometimes I imagine that tough American woman from the TV programme The Biggest Loser is shouting at me to keep going and pick up the speed. I just need a few more good running songs to transport me away. Something like Ready to Run by the Dixie Chicks and Glor på Vinduer by Szhirley.
To finish off, it has to be noisy and if I'm lucky I'll get a bit of Desolation Row by My Chemical Romance and Rock Star by Nickelback to get me up the final hill.
And then I'm home.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
-Not much running going on at the moment. The dismal weather (ice, ice, snow, ice) and a stinking cold coupled with a trip to Blighty have knocked my running mojo.
In fact, the only Winter Olympics going on around here is in the telly - unless I can count the frantic exercise each morning to dress two children in suitable survival suits and boots so that they can navigate the garden path that has turned into an icy slalom run. After three months of nothing but snow, I'm getting quite good at it. I'd definitely give myself a bronze medal.
And I'm sure Anna would be ready to try that skeleton bob run thing at a moment’s notice. (Yeah, like we'd let in her try that! Diving head first down an ice chute at 100 mph plus speeds with little more than a swimming costume and a baking tray? Er, I think not.)
- Samuel does this thing where he deliberately gets you to say something and then promptly laughs at how wrong you are and then corrects you. For example:
Sam - I've got sticky hands! Honey! (holding up his hands)
Me - Oh, do you have honey on your hands?
Sam - No! (laughing at how unbelievably silly mummy is) Not honey! JAM!!
And numerous other similar examples.
- Anna is happy that they've started doing plays at school with the grade 3 children. She is currently playing Phyllis in The Railway Children and for the first time in ages came home very excited about it all.
She is also on to a more interesting Unit of Inquiry about animals and spent ages today telling me all sorts of facts about frogs and spiders and turtles. Or rather, she'd ask me some tricky question and then I'd admit that I didn't know and that I'd love to hear the answer. But then she'd make me guess the answer. Which was pretty impossible because it wasn't "guess-able" sort of stuff. So she made me make all sorts of weird (stupid) suggestions before she enlightened me with the correct answer.
Actually - there is a theme to this post after all: Both my children obviously delight at seeing me get the answer wrong and then being able to correct me.
Well, I'm not quite as stupid as they think. I tricked both of them into washing their hair tonight during a particularly splashy bath and they thought it was all their own idea. Ha!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Bathroom, briefly
Tonight as he was having his pre-bath wee, he managed to wee a bit on his hand.
Warm mummy! he remarked as he felt the temperature of the yellow liquid.
Then he said, Sam blow on it as he attempted to blow on his own wee - while still weeing.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
About that running...
Never mind the fact that I look like a homeless person crossed with a lollipop lady in my cobbled together outfit, which is the result of the need for lots of layers (minus 5 degrees here still) and visibility and my lack of money to buy fancy running trousers. (If I am honest, I also don't want to go into a proper shop and buy appropriate attire for fear of being pointed at by the fit, young sales assistant as an imposter -"Call yourself a runner? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!").
No, this doesn’t matter because in the unlikely event that I saw anyone I knew while doing this running I would a) pretend to not recognise them and b) they would not recognise me anyway.
The first kilometre is still really, really tough. Someone said that I should "listen to my body" when it comes to exercise. But if I did this, I would not run at all because when I start running my body is screaming very loudly STOP! NOW! REST! What is this NONSENSE?!
But if I ignore the screaming and keep putting one foot in front of the other something fantastic happens. I start getting into some kind of rhythm, and suddenly my gasping for breath becomes more regular and I start to concentrate on the world around me. And for those 30 minutes, I am able to shut out everything else and just see the snow and the sky and the tarmac.
And with the brilliant addition of a running playlist beating in my ears, I find that I am able to conquer that last "killer hill" (thanks Tina) at a reasonable pace and make it home - sweaty, out of breath and tired, but exhilarated, extremely pleased with myself, and happy too.
If I keep it up for a few more weeks, I might just brave that sports shop and treat myself to something with “go faster” stripes on it.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
New baby

Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Things I learnt over Christmas

- The Tree - we totally overestimated the size of the living room, the strength of two adults (one of which was encumbered with a very cold two-year-old), and the size of the sledge, and we underestimated the effort required to chop down our own 60 kg, 6.5 ft evergreen in the forest and drag it back to our house. What started as a romantic idea of getting our own tree in the snow nearly turned into a scene from the National Lampoon Christmas Vacation. At one point, Aksel and I were both ready to give up and let the "grown-ups" sort it out. After much crying and mopping up of snow and reluctantly admitting that we were the grown-ups, we did manage to get a really beautiful (big) Christmas tree this year that everyone enjoyed dancing around in true Danish style.
- The Snow - my parents' flight on the 23rd December was cancelled. We panicked. I cried. I thought of all the food that no-one was going to eat. And then I managed to book them on a much later flight from a different airport. So they got here after all. And everyone sighed in relief (not least my sister and brother-in-law who thought they might have two extra unexpected guests for Christmas!)
And things I learnt:
- Samuel's optimal number of adults in the house at any one time is about 5. This pretty much satisfies his need for attention and activity. Throw in a few older children as a bonus and he is very happy. Little social satellite he is.
- Anna can devour books, especially if she is allowed to sit around in her pyjamas all day. Next year: buy her more books.
- Samuel can sleep in his cot in the day - who knew!?
- My cleaning mojo is dramatically increased by the amount of guest activity over the Christmas period. In fact, inviting people round generally is a very good incentive for the Little and Often method.
- Ditto having a large Christmas tree in the living room resulting in pine needles in places where pine needles should never go.
- I can make meringues.
- I can almost make sushi.
- I can make a very good chocolate fondant thingy.
- And mince pies!
- And I can run - Aksel and I have been encouraging each other to go for a run. And it is working. Despite freezing temperatures, snow, and darkness and the requirement for wearing a luminous (very fetching) yellow vest and numerous diode lights.