The house has been full of Noise and Mischief and Wii Games and Neee Nor Neee Nor, and Water-Ball Games. We've had Day-Trips Out and Rainy-Days In and Board Games and Films and Wine and Wet Clothes and Not Enough Milk.

We visited the Viking Land of Legends, where the children got to try canoeing in a hollowed-out tree trunk. Amazingly, they managed to get back to shore without anyone falling in. (Watching them go round in circles was very funny.) They also tried being archeologists and dug up a skeleton and ground grain to make flour and baked "biscuits" on a fire.
Another day, Samuel practised balancing at the Natur Legeplads.

And James got very wet there:
Nice picture of Louise (taken before the James-got-soaked episode):
Later, they all got soaked, this time it was a bit more fun:

Even Samuel thought so:

I went from a house with 7 people running around in it to just three. (Actually, only really 2 for most of the day as Aksel is officially Back-to-Work.) The house is Quiet. Too quiet.
Poor Samuel doesn't know what to think. His big playmates have gone and he is wandering around the house saying N-Anna play?!, Jam-es? Ell? Eeeeze? As though it is some never-ending game of hide and seek that they are playing and they will jump out at any moment. Boo!
Just for good measure, he will add in all the other names of family members that he knows:
D-orthe? Bar-bro? MarMor? Ga-ga? D-a-deee? And I explain where everybody is. In England, at her house, at work, at the summer house, in England, at work. Back soon.
Lather, rinse, repeat. It is exhausting.
Then he looks at me, the consolation prize, with a little concern, in case I start to take part in this game too: Mum-mee.
As far as I know, Anna is having a very good time so far and was really very happy about the whole adventure. I have chatted with her on the phone everyday and she has cheerfully told me all about what the passport man said to her at the airport and the film she has watched and how late they had got back and the bike she has already fallen off of. I realised that I hardly ever talk to her on the phone. She sounds so young. Just a little girl. With Anna it is easy to forget sometimes that she is only 7. We are all missing her.
Ah this looks so much fun! But oh poor poor Diggy was the same when his big brother went a way for a few days. he was utterly distraught, sob. Won't be separating them again for a long while!