Monday, 6 July 2009

Please sir, can I have some more?

I have decided that Samuel was, in his previous life, a child from a very poor, large Dickensian family.

Picture the scene: many dirty-looking little urchins all clambering over the last stale bit of bread and the meagre broth that the poor mother manages to produce from nothing. The children have to be fast and fierce to get some food and they never really feel satisfied.

Back at our house, Samuel can sit down to a perfectly lavish feast, plenty to go round and leftovers for tomorrow even, and he'll start ramming food in his mouth with gusto. Then, after a few more bites, he will say to me "More. More?. More!" while thrusting his bowl at me. No amount of telling him will convince him that he does actually have quite a lot more still in his bowl (not to mention his mouth) and if he just chewed nicely and finished what he already had, I would gladly serve him some more.

No, he seems upset by the thought that maybe he won't get any more, so he'd better get some now, straight away, before it’s too late.

I've begun "fake" giving him more - that is, I take his bowl and dramatically tap spoonfuls of nothing much into it before I hand it back to him with exactly the same amount as before in it. He seems happy with this - at least for a few more bites.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, Samual and my Diggy are twins. Diggy is the same, shouting for more while he mouth is so stuffed full of food he can barely speak. Sometimes it's so full he has to spit food out (in to my hands normally) because he can't actually chew it's so full. Drives me nuts±
