Tuesday 12 May 2009


I recently found out that Anna has been planning a sleepover with her friend at school and that I have said that she can "maybe" have it at our house.
Perhaps I did say “maybe” but I might not have heard the question properly. I find she usually asks these types of questions just as I am screaming with frustration for her to GET! YOUR! SHOES! ON! So we can Leave for SCHOOL! NOW! when we are already late. And I think I answer “maybe” to a lot of things as I buy time to actually think about something.

I also think that for Anna the planning of a sleepover is actually almost as much fun as the actual thing – she has been planning them with her friend Emily and making lists for a while.

The lists go something like this:

Top Secret List

1. Have sleepover with Emily

2. Hide sweets under bed

3. Stay up till midnight

And then she will accidently leave the list out in a very obvious place where I can’t help but discover it and then her plan is Busted! I guess the thing that is stopping me letting her have a sleepover here right now is Sam. I definitely have my hands full with him, he is full-on demanding, with little regard for his own safety or the needs of others to oh, say, eat. It is tricky juggling him and an extra additional child, even on a play date in the afternoon - let alone through a whole night.
But it is definitely my turn to reciprocate the two sleepovers that Anna has been on at other peoples' homes. So maybe she might get to host her very own sleepover soon.

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